What is Vibrant Balance?

We experience it in nature, in those moments when we are simply, quietly present, listening…hearing everything, and nothing in particular. There is an underlying happiness, a satisfied joy in the experience, without the need for anything to be different. There is fullness, appreciation, harmony - all beyond thought.

Symptoms, pain, mental / emotional stress and other conditions can demand our attention, prevent us from the freedom of easy, full movement in the body, the joys of relationship, and the vast pleasures of the senses. Dis-ease robs the vitality and wonder that our lives are otherwise naturally able to experience. (read more)

After many years of learning and practicing,
I am so grateful to work with each patient as an individual with their wounds, resources and motivations.
From this starting point,
a client can literally choose the level of change they wish to bring to their life;
from simple pain relief to becoming the best version of themselves possible.

Vibrant Balance care is a way to recover wellbeing and go past the limitations of old traumatic patterns. If not addressed, these patterns limit the full expression of our life and shape perspectives of fear, tension and contraction in the body, in relation to self and relationship with others.

My work will gently and effectively reestablish mind-body balance and the connection to natural ease and well-being. Patterns of protection are unfolded and released. We often experience pain as a final signal from the body that real healing is required. With the shedding of defense and contraction, our experience of life starts to broaden and deepen. Breath comes more fully, movement more easily, stress and tension drop away as energy increases. Life looks different than it did–we begin to re-discover the richness of being human.

The body work is comfortable and relaxing. There is opportunity to discover foods and nutritional options that best support healthier physiology. Working together with movement, you will discover ways to stretch, open and strengthen your body, our vehicle for navigating the world. All of this happens in the context of growing out of old limits and to living more connected…to our self, those near to us, and the greater community of life.

orange leaves on bare branches